Friday, February 10, 2012

The Most Interesting Scheduling Tool I've Ever Used

Whether you are planning a girls night, a family get-together, or anything in between - scheduling can be tricky. You try to figure out when everyone is available and your email gets bombarded, and then you have to write down who can come which days and times - it can be tedious.


This is a fantastic little FREE tool my friend Amanda introduced me to several years ago while planning a night with my college roomates, the G's.

It is simple:

  1. Go to (you don't need to set up a login)
  2. Create an event and enter all the date and/or time options you want people to choose from
  3. doodle will send you a link that you can email out to everyone who is invited
  4. They click the link, enter their name, check all the days/times they are available (you will be notified each time someone responds or comments)
  5. It keeps a count for you at the bottom of how many people are available for each option

Here is what an event looks like:

Or you can use it for choosing a location:

Additional poll settings include...
  • a confidential setting so responders can see their availability, but only the organizer can see everyone's responses
  • participants can only choose ONE option
  • limitations to the number of responders who can choose a specific date or options (great for limited-space trainings)
  • as the moderator you can edit the poll at any time, or edit someone's response if needed
  • an option for people to choose their preference not only as Yes or No, but also "If need be"

Give it a try!!

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